2014년 3월 12일 수요일

Friday night!! Party night!!!!! part2, we went CULB in CEBU!!!!

Hi!! Iam Jang!!

Did u read my last posting??

we went Green buble which is the hottest pub in the Cebu!! and we had a party with my friends.

After that we wanted something more crazy!!!

So we went a club in downtown of Cebu!!!!KKKK
Actually I didn't like a club before this day!!!!

Becasue I am not good at dance, and even I have no friend who dance well.
So I usually go to a pub. But sometimes I go karaoke and dance.
But at this time dance means almost Jumping!!KKK
Just Jump!!!KKK

But in here, the club in Cebu I felt something diffrent to Korean club HAHAH

It's more fun.


Maybe one of the reason is
I have a lot of friends who dance very well like you saw in the video on my last posting!!

I Think you should watch the video!!! JUST CLICK HERE!!!KKKK

Anyway, I think you can feel something in the picture even I tell u notting!!

Look at the photo~ almost pictures have no focus!!KKK

Just I clicked the shutter!!

Everybody get crazy!!!!KKK

But always be carefull!!!!

look at my friend Rachel!!

She really focus  to her dancing!!

She always keep her bag between her legs when she dance!!!KK

Anybody can't touch it!!!KKK

You kow that when we warked to go this club suddenly we me shower!!!!

but nobody had a umbrella so everebody so wet even the underwears!!!

So we thought we would be rejected from the club befor we go in!!

But they liked us!!!KKKKK

Maybe they saw our passion!!! HAHAH

OK, NOW just let's dance!!!

Ah..... It was so funny day!!!!!!ㅜ.ㅜ


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