2014년 2월 16일 일요일

The Story in Cebu.

Hello, My name is Jang. 
I want to write here some of my story to improve my English skill.

I don't think so that a lot of foreigner visit this Blog
Beacause NAVER is only for Korean.
But I will try to translate almost everything in here to English.

So, if you are a native or you have better skill than me, please don't hesitate to correct me!!
I would feel thanks about that!!!!^^

First I want to talk about my Philippines story!!
I really like Cebu. Cebu is one of big island in the Philippines.
Specially it is well known as best honeymoon place.

I also took my wedding pictures in the Philippines.

I stayed in Cebu for 3months to study English. 
The Philipponos use English, so there are so many school for Eglish. 
and one of the charmming part is price!! It's cheeper than other contries where speak English.

So if You need to improve your English skill in a short time, and you have just small money,
buy the ticket for the Philipinnes!!!
you could study English and you could enjoy the beautifull sea in the Pilippines!!!
Ok!! now let'me start!!!!^^
This is the day I leave Korea to go the Cebu!!!!

This is the Incheon international airport the biggest airport in Korea.
So many peple were waiting to go Cebu.

his my wife Jully.
at that time she was little bit nervous. because she afraided English befor we went Cebu!!

Anyway we will leave Korea Very Soooooooooooooooon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We sent last message to our familly and friends before we leave.
Good-bye Korea~ Goodbye my friends~
see u after 3months~~~

already dark outside.
Now, time to fly!!!!!!!

after 4hours flying we finally arrived Cebu International airport!!

this is Jully's first picture in Cebu.

And this is my first friend in Cebu.
but at this time we didn't know eachother, even didn't know we would study together. haha

And this is my first impression of Cebu


there was nothing!!!!
because it was 3am!!! hahah

we were going to our domitory where we stay for 3months!!

We passed long tunner.

And we met highway!!
If we wanted to go to downtown we had to pass this highway every day~
But I forgot the Hightway's name!!
Help me my Philipino friends!!!!^____________^

Anyaway we arrived at the domitory!!!!!
we would stay here for 3 months

there was a swimming pool too!! haha
I  sawm therein  everyday morning here!!^^
I hoped we could have a lot of good memories in here Cebu!!!
to be continue...


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